While there is no cure for arthritis, people who suffer from arthritis – in particular osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) – often possess joints that are subluxated or “locked up” due to cartilage breakdown. The resulting pain occurs when the exposed joint irritates the joint nerves. These irritated nerves may prevent a person from healing in an effective manner. Specific chiropractic techniques can help relieve pain from arthritis by safely correcting the “locked up” or subluxated joints. Also, these regular adjustments can help keep arthritic individuals more mobile and in turn, these manipulations can reduce potential stresses that can cause further discomfort.
Dr. Kesselman utilizes a combination of manipulation and other techniques to help provide natural arthritis pain relief. These additional therapies can include: nutritional therapy (to help with pain and inflammation), exercise therapy (to aid with strength and flexibility), soft tissue therapy (to obtain healthier muscle mass), and electrical stimulation therapy (to help with pain management).
Back Pain
Back pains, or aches is extremely common and most people will experience some form of it in their lifetime. The way in which you use your back can determine whether or not you will have to live with back pain. Experts believe that the more stationary people are the more likely they are to experience back pains. Sitting in a car on a long commute to work and then spending your day at a desk can increase the likelihood of having pains. Overly strenuous activities like gardening, bending, or heavy lifting can cause back ache as well. With the right approach, basic back ache can be avoided.
Back ache occurs when vertebrae become misaligned and pinch the nerves of your spinal cord. You may also experience pain if the back muscles get torn, or the discs, which act as shock absorbers, rupture. The lowest part of the back is most vulnerable to injury because it supports the weight of the upper body as well as it being twisted and bent more than any other part of the body.
Spinal manipulations have shown to decrease the severity and frequency of headaches, because they usually are due to a misaligned spine. Poor posture or injury can force your vertebrae out of place and pressure the nerves. These nerves can send painful signals to the muscles surrounding the neck and cause a headache. The spinal manipulations straighten your spine and relax the muscles.
There are several types of headaches; including tension, migraine and cervicogenic. Most people experience the tension headache, which includes moderate pain on both sides of the head. It is often described as a pressure that is squeezing your head causing the pain. Migraines are more severe and are usually described as a throbbing pain. Sometimes a migraine can cause nausea, loss of appetite, and in some cases vision difficulties.
Hip and Leg Pain
Hip and leg pain are most commonly caused by subluxation of the spine. This can irritate the nerves causing pain and muscle spasms. Your hips and legs support the entire body and give you strength, stability, flexibility, and mobility. For this reason there is a high amount of stress put on these body parts. Hip pain can sometimes be confused with back ache because of where the spine connects with the pelvis.
Dr. Kesselman will determine the cause of your leg and hip pain. Fractures or metastatic disease will result in being referred to another specialist, however most other ailments can be treated by spinal adjustments. Additionally your chiropractor will discuss exercises to rehabilitate and stabilize the injured and misaligned spinal structures
Neck Pain
Neck pain is a fairly common condition. Most people will experience it at some point in their lives with women reporting slightly higher instances of chronic pain. Pain medication often is the first line of defense against neck pain but it doesn’t solve the problem and many drugs carry the risk of harmful side effects.
Spinal manipulation and spinal adjustments are an important part of the treatment program for chiropractic neck pain. Spinal manipulation and spinal adjustments can correct subluxations, relieve pain in the soft tissues, increase circulation, and stimulate the body’s nervous system.
Sciatica is characterized by pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower extremities. Commonly pain and numbness are located at the calf, foot, or back of the thigh. This is usually preceded for a few weeks by lower back pain. Eventually the leg pain becomes worse than the back pain. Pain can either be dull and aching or can be a shooting pain down the leg all the way to the toes. This pain can last for several days or weeks or it can subside for even a few hours. However, someone who has had sciatica for a long period of time will find that the pain localizes in the buttock and thigh. In severe cases it can damage nerves and reflexes or cause the calf muscle to deteriorate.
Many times people with sciatica wait until the pain becomes unbearable before they contact the chiropractor. Waiting can cause long-term damage. It is important that you contact your chiropractor when the pain originally begins. A number of sciatica treatments can be prescribed (that don’t include surgery or medications) to help with your sciatica. The first thing your chiropractor will do is review your complete medical history to determine when the problem began and the possible causes. Then a complete physical and chiropractic exam is performed, and x-rays may be taken. Your chiropractor will review and discuss the results with you and make recommendations for sciatica treatment.
Sometimes, a chiropractor will find the source of the nerve blockage and use manual adjustments to correct the spinal misalignment. The adjustments are designed to remove the blockage that is pinching the sciatic nerve and causing the pain.
Sports Injuries
Whether you play sports casually or competitively, the odds are that you’ve learned how your body can become less forgiving as you age. Dr. Kesselman regularly treats patients to alleviate sports injuries that might otherwise interfere with their busy lives of work and play. He can not only alleviate pain and be very effective in recommending a daily regimen to ensure continued health.
Stress Reduction
Stress is defined as a reaction to any internal or external stimuli that upsets normal functioning and disturbs mental or physical health. Internal conditions such as illness, pain, or emotional conflict, as well as external circumstances, such as a death in the family, or financial problems can cause stress. Even positive experiences like a new marriage or job promotion can provoke stress. Long lasting or chronic stress suppress the immune system, which in turn increase the susceptibility to illness, especially to immune-related disorders or cancer. Emotional stress also leads to hormonal imbalances that interfere with immune system function.
If you reduce stress, you will help to maintain balance and health. This is the underlying theory of several treatment modalities such as meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback, and yoga. Other methods include dietary changes, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and acupressure. Each of these methods can be used independently or in combination with any other.
Many symptoms of stress can be explained by an examination of diet and nutrient levels. You can reduce stress by avoiding caffeine and food additives, and eat fresher, whole foods that are high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat. You should consume very little foods containing simple sugars and they should be fruit. Eating the proper foods can be very therapeutic.
It’s important to understand that the way we think or feel can play a very significant role in our overall health. Reducing stress is necessary to restoring and maintaining good health. Our immune system can be enhanced or suppressed by what we think and how we respond emotionally to everything around us.
Dr. Kesselman gives special attention to your body’s physiological and biochemical aspects. His treatment plan is based upon your spinal or musculoskeletal structure, neurological activity, vascular systems, nutrition habits, emotions, and environmental relationships. While he can diagnose conditions that may be effectively treated with chiropractic care, some may require referrals to other health care professionals, or may be co-managed treatments with other health care professionals. Undoubtedly, stress imposes pressure on the mind and body, requiring body physical and mental adjustments in order to foster relief.
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Whiplash, or neck strain, is an injury to the soft tissues of the neck. Sudden backward and forward movement usually causes whiplash injury and is often the result of rear-end car crashes. A severe whiplash injury can also include damage to the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, cervical muscles and nerve roots.
Some people experience pain right away while it may takes others a few days. Symptoms of whiplash may include a stiff neck, muscle and ligament injuries, headaches or dizziness, difficulty swallowing or chewing, hoarseness, burning or prickling, shoulder pain, and even back pain. Dr. Kesselman offers specialized chiropractic techniques that may relieve the pressure that is causing your neck pain. After locating the misaligned vertebrae in your back, your chiropractor manually applies gentle pressure and repositions the vertebrae for neck pain relief. These adjustments can help restore alignment, improve mobility, and relieve neck pain and stiffness. The physical and psychological damage of whiplash can become chronic, and deteriorate your overall health. His techniques can also help to restore movement in the neck, overcome muscle weakness, and straighten the vertebra thus eliminating persistent problems.